However, let's take an example where free trade does not work. Let's say the goat herder and the soldier meet again. This time however, the goat herder is being given funds by another entity to get the solider to protect the goat herder, so the solider can be attacked and have his soldiers in his unit killed, by the other unit that is paying the goat herder to act like it needs protection. Then we get into manipulation. Which is not free trade. This is because the goat herder does not need the soldier to protect him as there is no need for the service. Therefore the service is artificially created by the third controlling entity in the relationship between the goat herder and the solider. Therefore, the solider is not benefiting, as the relationship is not based on trade yet based on some sort of manipulation to get the solider's units to be taken down so the soldier's business will no longer be around once all of his units are gone. Thus not a free trade example, that would be manipulation.
That is a simplistic view of what is going on to the US. As per Charlie Wilson's one night drunk stumble with me in a very nice area to gain a full strategy briefing on his mindset with regards to him funding Al Queada to attack the Soviet's.
So let's take an example not of our military but of our business.
We take a business, that entity is in a place doing business selling to its surroundings. Then it is exporting from that area to other areas. Thus creating a surplus for the area in which it is in as via job creation, along with for itself. However, then we have an area. Which state's it specifically wants to get all business to come to its lands to trade, so it can force them to give them their IP's and their jobs for their people. Therefore, we then see that area start to make it impossible for other business to export into and to other areas, by constantly recapitalizing its own business to artificially keep its economy at a lower cost to gain more market shares to drive all other business and competitors to its domestic market place so they could more easily break laws and break down all competition.
Then, we see the one country gain a monopoly on resources, and forced their economy into artificially low cost's do to manipulation and control by a centralized entity called the SASAC. Therefore, what happens is as the business, who does not have a country that is willing to fight for it to stay. Then has no choice but to go to the foreign country that is manipulating their economy, with resources, recapitalizing of their SOE's constantly, and also using a myriad of tactics including proxy war creation to force the loss connection of protecting the business home land's economy.
Then we see that business has no choice but to allow its jobs and business to be taken from its home land. As the manipulation by the foreign country with its monopolies on industries, SOE's centralized economic management, along with resource hoarding, and massive espionage economic warfare lobbying has caused it to be bullied to leave. As its own country will not help it no matter how much it asks for help. Then we see when the business entity goes to the foreign country. That it is then bullied out of its remaining advantage which was technology. As such, we see that because the business home land was not able to protect against the currency and economic manipulation that the business is no longer a business at all but at the mercy of the Communist Chinese. Which it does primarily all of its business with now as it is controlled to do. Why the Communist Chinese develop and control trade with 50% of the world.
I could go on, however, it is obvious to me that in both our military and our economy the MSS and CCP are manipulating events so they can gain advantages even more so than the Soviet's did.
Rider I
This is really an amazing one as lot of tips to pic. Great informations. Thanks for sharing.
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