Could be dissemintation of dissinformation.
However, if I can link in the area that was attacked in Arkansas to any major Republican constituent economics. Then I can say the left overstepped and then place order in. They may not overstep at home, ever, as then that makes the right overstep and we just go to war. However, with the MSS acting so powerful with funding President Clinton with millions of illegal funds, then funding President Obama, as per Secretary Hillary complaint to illegal donations of his campaign. I could see the last necessary nexus for Temple petition to be placed in. I will do the research on the area in Arkansas. I know GRU is not happy that our country is working so much with the Communist Chinese, and would love to see major player's who are allowing it to happen to be removed. However, then again, President Obama's cabinet out of the left powerhouses is the only one not chiming in on the currency manipulation. As Republicans and Democrats in the lower squadron's are all for it.
I know GRU is very sympathetic to the cause of stopping the Communist Chinese from being able to run half of the world's economy via development contracts literally. Along with the massive submarine base that now threaten's Russia every time GRU tries to stop Chechyna from being funded by the MSS.
Dianne Feinstein my only other worry because of her very close family ties to the Green and Red Temple is all for it too. As she was the one who sent me the legislation when it was created. Stating she was for it. So now I just have to fix up President Obama all nice and neat on the matter.
I mean I do not understand. Dr. of my Hero of Trade of Rep is all for it, the Democrats are all for it, the Republican elder's are all for it, even the radical one's who wish to destroy the constitution mmm Perry, Where is the Leader of the Free world's voice behind it. I mean I should not have to be all quiet on the matter. You know I love you.
I wonder what Turtle attacker thinks. mmm ??
I mean I heard the Leader of the Free World. Speak very directly at the unfair ability of the US citizens to compete against Communist Chinese government SOE's and their infrastructure. Where is his voice now, it is not in the new's which is only what I know and can judge on.
I pcitured Diane Fienstein in her Democracic defiant ways against fascist like the Communist Chinese party, in the dark with a smile and a laughter going, sending me a letter stating the legislation is a go. So rebel
No last minute oh no, special Temple man comes out and blocks this time. darn specil teams have forgotten about the tracker.
Rider I
oh ya.
I have not had a good cup of Silonka for a while. Along with that I am do for the all to much fun, if you can make it across the frozen lake in my vehicle stunt you can have the gun to hang out, and talk new weapon's systems.
US's and Russia's raid of MSS funded Terrorist who where attacking Rusky's was a great moment on the green screen giddy feeling. mmm loved it. Grandpa would be so proud.
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