There are still tons of African or what you would call dark skinned people who are there, As a matter of fact a Korean American went to help the Libyans. What you mistake for genocide in in reality, those tribes where just being paid to fight for Qaddafi. In which the majority of them are not dead and are doing just fine. Your article is horrible written. I suggest if you do not believe this you take it up with the UN and have a genocide watcher group go there and seek the genome's of those who you think are being destroyed. Along with those entities trying to protect Quadif with weapon's and fighting back legally. Are protecting a man who killed women and children who had no chance to fight back. As Quadafi and Beijing where two of that area's biggest funder of genocide. Which you state is genocide is part of war. The people killed where fighting back. If you do not believe this please use your power and take it to the UN. As we do not want solider's to be helped that are genocidal. Which is definitionally different from war. Please take it up with the UN.
This should be taken to the UN. If this is so, and it is not Quadafi doing what we have caught his forces doing which is setting up the opposition to make it look like it is them. Which is the same Rebel captains Quadafi has used for genocide before. Then the UN needs to find these people acting under UN doctrine and deal with them.
I am sending this to the UN and my connections working in Libya against Quadfi to find these forces, and make sure they are not working for the US or the opposition.
I am now writing up the proper documents to have inspector's go in and track all possible genocidal groups being created. Along to expand the one's we already had that Quadafi was hiring as outside rebel help that have been caught genocidal the same people before.
I will be sending this to my African Heritage French Connections and American's along with African's in the Libyan war to track and dedicate teams to genocidal terrorist being created, or to give aid to the teams already tracking Quadafi's use of genocide rebel's in the area.
Proper doc's and legalities should be done by the next morning.
Representative Jesse Jackson can go anytime he wants to go and he can use his own National Guard or even UN help to go if he wants to go to Libya to see what is going on. There is nothing stopping him. We just had an American college student go and help the Libyan's fight against Quadafi and his forces. Other leader's of the US have gone to war's and walked around in safe area's to see things and speak with folks. I personally think it is racist to just take the Black Caucus. As the war is an international multicultural war with many cultural including African heritable cultures voting for it. If I was Jesse Jackson I would take all kinds of cultures with him and see what is going on. If you can afford the satellite time. You can watch the whole thing on green screen. Along with that how much does Representative Jesse Jackson really think the UN is allowing genocide. I mean it is not that hard to fill out the paper work to file the documents for an international court investigation. He know's that.
Which I know the reason why no African American has said much, as for the elder's as if there is genocide it is not coming from our side. As I know some elder African's who are acting to get a Democracy in that area to stop further genocide. Which is the reason why it was voted for that are probable sleeping with the green screen on watching the whole thing.
The main point that comes down here is the article writer makes it seem which is their right to get somebody to further the research that the UN is on the genocidal side. Which if so, that is easy to stop and find out, quickly and easily via the Green screen video tapes of the whole battlefield. So I will do some open source research, then go into the next level of personal intellegence research which is understanding paper filling out, then i will file for the documents to be reviewed by green screen and see what character's where acting as such, if such. I am guessing as Quadafi's forces are now primarily genocidal rebel's that used to help him, that are being funded to kill his own people instead of give up and allow a peaceful political agenda. That we will again see it is him and his forces. As he has none, he pays folks to run rampant and kill folks. Basically.
It is not our battle it is their people's battle we are just watching, and if that is a foul play there has to be a flag on the board. However, I do think it is one of Quadaf's old genocidal rebel Captain buddies going at it. So here we go. Can;t have that on my consccious. Lots of paper work and pushing.
The new way of strategizing war is really cool. My theory that is actually created to stop genocide and war crimes in battle. Is to use full scale battlefied green screen. Which is much cheaper than a full scale trillion dollar defense military in play doing the watching and gathering. In which we can watch whole area's and actually use specific google search term's. like specific weapon explosions, specific special weapon's use, genocide in the area (which is the killing of innocent women and children and men), it is really cool. The board is only for the most trusted people in the US to watch. As most folks can be very hysterical and radical about their idea.. One has to be ver moderate when at the point of war gaming. However, genocide no matter what side you are on is wrong, that is a no no. As we all have our genomes and the world should be allowed to keep all of its children in it. Why they trust me with a green screen viewing or a set of flags. I have no clue. Maybe it is because I am so poor, and really moderate on most issues.
I do not see genocidal force's controlling Libya. What I have seen previously is Quadafi using the last of his funds to hire the only people in this world that would work with him who are genocidal African Tribes.
"By the time Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi came to power in 1969 only about 100 Jews remained in Libya. Under his rule, all Jewish property was confiscated, and all debts to Jews were cancelled. Despite emigration being prohibited, most Jews succeeded in escaping the country and by 1974, only 20 Jews remained in Libya.[5] In 2002, the last known Jew in Libya, Esmeralda Meghnagi, died and it was thought that the long history of Jewry in Libya had ended. In the same year, however, it was discovered that Rina Debach, a then 80-year old woman, who was born and raised in Tripoli, but thought to be dead by her family in Rome, was still living in a nursing home in the country. With her ensuing departure for Rome, there were no more Jews in the country.[6][7]"
"On 1 October 2011, Gerbi returned to Tripoli after 44 years of exile.[15] With the help of a U.S. security contractor and the permission of NTC fighters and three local sheikhs, Gerbi hammered down a brick wall erected to block the entrance to the city's historic Dar Bishi Synagogue. He declared it a "historic day" for Libya and told the crowd gathered there, "This is for all those who suffered under Gaddafi." However, some local residents remained wary of Gerbi's intentions and were quoted by a CNN reporter as expressing distrust for Jews."
I will bookmark this page and share it with a few of his friends, hoping that they could help. Thanks for sharing. friv 7