Basically my algorithmic theory is that institutions of Democracy are better for health. As we spread the wealth and power out via Democracy and multiplicity via political parties and capital leaders. Along with as many as possible individual owners of business. Where as the CCP and MSS centralize power and wealth causing major health disparities. If so, how does this economic developed countries like Communist China. Get special privileges in the international market to be allowed to use SOE cartels and anti trust violation to the tune of 97% of the worlds rare earth resources. Which is the worlds richest with more resources, and reserves, and most powerful, with the biggest military and high technological might.
The end game is to prove that their economic policy forces their rural (red neck folks) to live in poverty because they concentrate so much power and wealth to a mono system. Thus, causing disparity domestically of schooling abilities, along with major health disparity. It is very one side. However, the MSS has over 2 million agents working to say the CCP's economic development should be allowed to conquer the worlds resources. As they own over 97% of the worlds rare earth resources, and market places. Which destroyed the balance of diplomacy and the world economy. Mainly because of neo mercantilism that concentrated the majority of jobs and taxes to the CCP's SOE's that have not been disbanded, yet, conglomerated and expanded. They are now instead of minor and for poverty issues, being used as international cold war weapons like the Soviet Union used their SOE's.
The basic idea is that in a single totalitarian party, and a centralized economy like the Soviets had. They worry more about their rich and wealthy being able to conquer the world. Than they do about Democracy and free markets which spread wealth and health among their people
Rider I
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