This is just weird. I mean what if nobody funds me. Then they all keep getting played like piano by the MSS.
Right in front of our President and they smile at him like we are idiots.
Great diplomacy I sure hope he does not hurt his fingers.
They literally invaded North Korea. Then they did exactly what they did in the Soviet Union and CCP lands. Genocide every last person who believed in freedom and free markets after we left. Those not killed went to jail.
It is called Diplomacy. We are nice and like a whole to their constant insolence to any kind of decent Diplomacy.
North Korean Propaganda song. Woa what diplomacy.
That man funded by the MSS could have chosen any song. Their national anthem which is what US diplomacy does, or even one of the thousands of motherly songs. That is not about a war that pisses on soldiers graves. That we still have guns pointed at each other over. There are hundreds of thousands of songs in Chinese that are not about North Korea war and killing US soldiers.
Does that man rest easily in this country, cause folks who spoke out like that against the MSS of our country have been seriously affected when in the CCP and MSS territories. That is just wrong, so upsetting, I wish the best for that pianist and his MSS handlers. What diplomacy. I hope we go there and play a nice respectful song for them like our national anthem or one of the myriad of other songs like this one
That would be great. I mean that would be more diplomatic than singing a song that literally sings about killing US soldiers so they can conquer the world for the CCP and MSS SOE cartels.
I mean nobody on our side has down such a disrespectfull stunt in front of their leader. I mean we all keep our hearts and souls desires to our own. That is just un dimplomatic and they way stepped over the bounds of the game of cognitioner's being allowed to create sound waves in front of specific characters to domineer in my mind is a call for meeting of the minds.
I mean I am denied a King or Queen because I even speak in my expression of anger via non normal wordings. Along with that the mear fact I started this blog forced me to lose everything and that Pianist who cognition's key strokes for Communism MSS cartel plots (as yes everybody the Soviets and US went through major studies of sound waves that want folks to be subordinate or to be aggressive and feel the Democracy Quickening, debate and vote) he is living like a rich man. Well send me to mother Bejing and I will play CCR for them. This is our territory and you over stepped. I mean even Johny law I heard took no respect towards the way that song was from a movie where the two great nations where killing each other.
My current shame for my impoliteness towards the CCP and MSS is this, what I live in. I know that and I deal with the beat down everyday. Folks like that amaze me, no respect. I know why I have nothing it is because I chose to be the in the cognitional fighting chair to raise blood pressures towards this point, becuase everything else is not working to get them to play fair.
I live with my own actions everyday. And until I am ready to become a professional after this summer's ride, I live with that. However, a man who is allowed to disrespect through diplomacy on the US President's honor and then smile in his face afterwards. Is a man not worth his own honor in the US. I am sorry, that is upsetting and very undiplomatic, brings out the horror telling story side of me, along with a wish for an I for an I.
I mean someday I would like to become a professional. However, this post in itself is an American virtue. How we speak freely, express our anger. I heard that nice and professional news broadcaster tell me my President's honor was being dealt with undiplomatic ties on then both CCP and MSS agent stood there and had smiles on their faces, cause they knew what they just did. So one more time before bed, I for I.
Rider I
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