So we see the loss of the basic understanding of our real mastery foe's the Communist Chinese. Therefore, instead of properly placing funds into our old cold war intelligence bases that are just sitting there. Which are needed to do things like trace earth quake's, create cheaper and better energy, and create a major healthy private industrial complex. We go on missing the analogy to the cold war labs we used to stop the Soviets from cartelling the world to their centralized SOE's system. This is the necessary element of defense code. Which is currently being sold off piece by piece. In which our specific funding was also sold off to stop us from competing in high technological defense and production of the new energy sector. As the MSS have specific documents on how the green tech energy is very comparable to the old nuclear and physics labs of the Cold War.
Therefore, we need to write a proper reality of cognition to the matter of state in which we are in. The CCP and MSS are constantly creating government owned high technological and green tech centers. In which the USA, is not even trying to compete and rebut them on. As a matter of fact the majority of the US's funding is going to allow those technologies to go to foreign lands. For example, a specific green technological manufacturing company that received forty five million in US stimulus was allowed to take that money, after we built them a specific base here, then send it all to Communist China. Instead of forcing them to stay home and spend less money by revamping the old nuclear and physics labs and Federal industrial sectors. These activities then allow the CCP and MSS's State Owned forced joint ventures to gain the experience and advancement that comes with production in that specific area. As it was the US's biggest green tech industrial base for that area.
This is a major lack of code in the US. The idea that the Communist Chinese are not a major cold war threat. In which takes down our guard and allows them to do such things, as centralized the worlds resources. Which is currently to the tune of 97% of the worlds rare earth resources. Which is compared to the cold war days of plutonium. As the green tech weaponization can do such undetectable (thanks to no bases working on detection) things as create earth quakes, Tsumin's and a myriad of other green technological advancements. That come from the tax source of being able to have major green technological jobs. Which is today even more dangerous than a nuclear bomb. As no one can detect it. If the US does not have the production units working away to stay competitive. Then the necessary algorithmic code of production means research, research mean's advancement. Is lost to the Communist Chinese centralized SOE's that violate cartel laws and anti trust laws.
The US basically has a tiny few bases that have come up with nothing compared to the advancements we saw in nuclear and physics advancements during the reality days. The comparable chart of advancement by US industries and defense is nothing cloes to the cold war. However, the MSS, as they have taken our balance of advancement and centralized it to them. Have actually been able to surpass both the Soviet's and US's advancement levels in the green technological industrial areas in comparison to the Cold war nuclear and physics industries.
This then can be traced down to a specific three seats that are allowing this to happen. Which has been the literal biggest baby boy blue hit the US has every seen. The complete loss of the US's green tech stimulus to create production at home. Which production is the main source of advancement. 80% of the stimulus went to foreign lands to stop us from competing with the Communist Chinese in levels of advancement in the new area of defense and offense. To me, the MSS's economic warfare hits have been three fold what Venona was. As they are about to do what the Soviets never could do. Which is invade via their single party fascist controlled State Owned Enterprises. To do what they have done in the international market place. Centralize our resources, jobs and tax bases to their illegal use of cartel's and anti-trust violations in the supply chain.
Rider I
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