Therefore, the matter comes down to the missing algorithm in the defensive chain to stop the MSS and CCP from doing what they have done. Which is use their SOE cartels like the Soviet Union, to do such things as centralize 97% of the worlds rare eath resources. As this allows them to have the worlds supply chain cartels that forces companies to shut down when ever they want; via static economic warfare movement. So with that basic analysis. We see that a proper Non Profit is needed.
This is historical it was done to help stop the German Socialist party from doing this; it was done to stop the Soviets and it is now necessary to be done to stop the CCP and MSS from creating world centralized, subordination power. I have called numerous times into proper leaders and agencies seeking request to start up such things. As they are the ones who know the best on who would benefit and would help me start up such an agency. The MSS and CCP also agree that is their weak point. As they do not allow their citizens to start Non Profits. As such, they are primarily based on their MSS's 2 million or so agents that are specific dedicated to economic warfare. As the CCP and MSS use their military to crack down on dissent. That leaves the MSS to work specifically on which the major number of their agents have degrees in, and are socially coding in; which is, economic warfare.
As such, we see the failure to shepard such things as the Greek's and Ireland's economic warfare attacks and implementation of intelligence bases. As the small I land's are a necessary chain of elements for the Fascist to take over. As we saw the Soviets try and do the same thing. However, before we had non profits to stop them or at least prepare them. As they would enter the I land's and shepardize the ares to stop such chaos ans anger from incurring during times of free market and Democracy debt ceiling attacks. As did the Soviet Union attack during the Lyndon Johnson Administration era (debt ceiling attack).
The logical algorithm would show that they are basically missing the necessary element of open source warfare. Which is Non Profit leadership being able to place a finger on what happened. Currently in both Greece and Ireland nobody has gone in. Therefore no one said there is no reason to get angry or allow the CCP and MSS to shepardize you into a frenzy. As Communist militaristic revolutions like to destroy political competition. Nobody went in and explained to them how the CCP and MSS acted like the Soviets did during President Lyndon Johnson's office.
It is basic algorithmic equational historical application. Take what we did to the soviets find what is missing, do the math, and you can predict pretty much all of their moves and what is necessary to do. I mean, Larry MacDonald one of my hero's was one of the best well known Non Profit leaders and completely understood economic warfare. He was able to lead full countries just by his presence, going in and stopping such anger in the populace. Simply by properly explaining in open warfare about the Fascist and what they are doing.
The people of the US and the worlds are left wanting by the US's current intelligence administration. In which as before it is time to start up a Non Profit. However, that means I need major backing. I may be your Charlie Wilson type conservative, or your Larry MacDonald type Liberal. But I am that person. I am the Shepard and you are allowing the world to be taken over by allowing me to starve. They are to secretive for public leadership through their quiet patriotism. The CSC is to proper and gentle and top heavy. There needs to be the middle man or women.This is history in the making ladies and Gentlemen and you are all sitting their passively and watching the world be taken over by fascist SOE cartels and a creator of genocidal regimes. Henry Kissinger stated it very well when he stated:"As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see in in practice, you see the difference personalities make."
This is a new era leaders can easily be seen by their projection on the net. There is no bigger a special library than representation for the world than mine. I can specifically break the incidents down to specific characters in historical application based on traces of historical characters in the Soviet fascist movement. It is simple, it is like a board game. However, all I need to do is shake hands, show confidence that we know what is going on and fly around the world fending off MSS and CCP propaganda.
We can either let the world deal with the CCP and MSS stirring for destruction of markets like we see the CCP and MSS doing in Pakistan. In which they have fortified those proxy agents that attack specific market targets that affect the bottom run root economic algorithm of the MSS world dominance strategy On the other hand we can allow the Shepard to attend to the flock and explain and see if they would like to stop world domination.
Rider I
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