The MSS are doing the same thing. They constantly tell our leaders that their SOE invasion which is a foreign government run by a single party and which is heavily controlled by their economic espionage units of the SASAC and the MSS, along with the PLA. As such, the way they do it is through repetition of word use. Every time one of our leaders goes over there. Instead of them talking about how their SOE's or government is supposed to be transitiong away from a military single party type fascist statism. They say that is a political issue and then start to explain it away with politics.
However, at the point in time. When we have volumes proving that the KGB SOE's and economic espionage where not a political issue and where an invasion tactic of foreign countries. Then we get to a point of military conquest via an economic espionage and State Owned Enterprise unit conglomeration of activities.
Therefore, to rebut this properly. A proper debriefing after our leaders come home to unwind the brain washing for example. Dr. Biden is currently in Communist China. I bet just like every other leader they have tried and cloaked their military invasion by saying that allowing their invasion is a political matter. That he has heard it many times. This then does exactly what the MSS and PLA wish to do. Which is keep our DOD out of the invasion of the US. However, during the KGB the politicians where properly briefed by strong minded foreign analysts. Which knew it was not a political matter. As the invasion and satelliting of the US to a single country via economic espionage, was a military matter. As the loss of sovereignty via a foreign state military enterprise, like Huwaie or COSCO. Which are both owned and operated by PLA generals. Is not a political matter.
The reality is our DOD is constantly fulled by our own leaders who have been brain coded. In which they have stopped the DOD from defending our country from economic espionage invasion. Which has left the US with over 3,500 economic espionage bases. Along with the world which is stuck with a monopolized market place of the supply chain which is 97% centralized to the Communist Chinese. As such, during the first cold war. We saw the DOD and other agencies step in hard once the KGB started to use mass economic espionage techniques, along with started to centralize 50% of the worlds resources to their soviet empire. However, today we have not seen the DOD or others do a darn thing about these actions because of their weak minded political leaders and inability to cognition reality and properly deal with the US leaders going abroad. To a country that is heavy run by the MSS and PLA. Which is well known for using heavy brain coding tactics.
The idea is the MSS constantly use overwhelming economic espionage units to make the idea of the US being invaded by foreign government military run operations like Huwaei and COSCO like it is a political matter. Which the political matter if you even look at that it the political viewpoint that one country, or in Communist China's view point the One world Communist China viewpoint, is a political viewpoint. Which it is not. That is a military issue. The idea that one country should be allowed to centralize the worlds resources, economy and market places to their SOE MSS and PLA run entities is not a political viewpoint.
The idea is like saying that the invasion of the culutrial minorities of the Balkans and the European Union by the Soviet Union. Which then forced upon them a single SOE military and economic espionage control Is a political viewpoint. Which if you know military technology. That is just a form of invasion by military control. Which is a new technology that has been being used for a very long time for imperialism.
This is a military issue. However, the US DOD is not doing anything about it. As the centralization of the worlds resources to a single country is the worst military action that can be done today without properly being checked. As this allows for that country to build everyone's items and control the economics booms and busts. Which is easily seen in the use of their flooding and then takening away from the market place of their SOE owned 97% centralized resources. Which causes countries technology to stay far behind the MSS and PLA. Along with their ability to produce technology or even a sustainable production equation for any countr in the world. As the MSS only allow their SOE's to allow others to compete fairly once they have a massive competitive edge.
This is not a political issue. This is a military issue. As we have seen the MSS use their SOE's to create terrorism in areas like Afghanistan. Where Huwaei funded and operated Al Queada networks. So they could get messages back and forth without the world being able to see the attacks on the US. Along with COSCO being used as a genome invasion tactic. Where PLA generals fund African genocidal dictators. Then once they get their SOE Free Trade Zones in Africa. They use the COSCO shipping containers and boats to in the millions export their genome to Africa to work the SOE's Along with a myriad of other things that makes the SOE invasion of countries via Free Trade Zones a military issue and not a political issue.
The problem then becomes why me, I who is just a poor boy from the hood and a grown street man. Knows these things but not one DOD agency or political party does anything about these things.
Rider I
Citation the Book that cost me $300 dollars to read. Which should be at a comparable $9 so all the public can read it. The Book of how the Communist Chinese Fund Terrorism to destroy our economy.
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