Which is still undisclosed and will stay undisclosed. As my real movement will much more impactfull once I figure out who is not a US citizen and is an MSS agent. Those who are on the side of the US and its ideas of muticulture and Democracy will adhere and take my advice like a drill sergent. Those against it and those who wish to destroy it to help their fascist single party to run it will dissent. Thus, causing my real program to be much more impactful and have much more teeth to it. I will see how it runs soon.
Dr Buffet has taken an interest in creating jobs back home, Koch I am worried about, Kissinger has taken a peak back home, and the others are starting to turn around their ideas that the destruction of the US is a good thing.
I will figure out who is legally responsible for trying to block my application via a proper civil suit. Then I will obtain proper junction against them, and thus prepare to cognitive via the my real plan.
With over 200 million Christian's signed and doced. I will not only be able to decomission I will be able decapated and force penance for their actions against this great nation and idea of muticulure and Democracy.
We are tired of the Communist funding the terrorist. We are tired of this countries children going unfeed because of no jobs, and we are darn tired of folks in our leadership treating the church like. Legally and properly of course. Would never do anything to harm anyone.
Started the petition four years ago. I figured out like my grandfather did. That the basic idea that this country is slipping into poverty and third world status is not because of its own doing. That is what the MSS and those that wish for poor by bowing to them instead of properly defending the US and making sure we where rich and in lead. Always forget. I remember my grandpa's note that stated, this is a free country, they follow you.
I explained four years ago that the Communist where coming. Then I explained if full detail with pics and evidence that they are the ones funding our so called world enemy. However, the idea was to get a few votes I did not know it would get so big. Then again, truth of heart is a reality we can all claim. The idea was to keep it in the lantern underground and not tell anyone. Much like the old Mac's did for the people of the US and other countries that where enslaved. However, this time trying to prevent enslavement. So maybe it will work.
I had no problem with President Obama being voted in. As I did see him as a possible threat via the Osama Obama nexus. However, he has dispelled a lot of his puppet games the MSS placed forward. I literally think that is because he might of read my material. Along with that he did say hi one time. And again it is not his fault it is a foreign entity that is doing it.
Rider I
It is just ancient Mac tradition. We do not like enslavement. So we use a pass around type thing via those who can keep a secret. Along with a loud mouth who is not scared of much, so we can see who is trying to enslave folks. Maybe it will work. maybe not, who knows. I know I love this country and the idea of individual liberty. To the Macro's.
I did just like I was told too. I stayed away from the church during the project. So it could not be stopped. I chose a horrible possible wife application. Before I proved my ability to gain leadership. I proved will of ability to hold back on all vices, let alone my favorite which is the mead. So I am track here to do a really big dump of MSS US agents. who know's maybe I will die a poor man with a liver infection like McCarthy. However, in heaven I am sure I will be greeted with an applause.
This spell has taken a long time to gather. I just hope I can properly use it. I am not going to take McCarthy's route. I am going to take my grandfathers. Which was just writing for the people to read on a constant everyday bases on the same topic expanding as the foreign espionage economic attacks expanded.
See in a free country, it is not money, it is not power, it is not your weapon collection or how you wield them. Truck load with signatures is worth much more than any weapon or currency.
I am rich in signatures. See I believe if I go back and ask each one for a dollar. I might be able to get 200 million dollars a year to work the project. Would be great, well see. Mac gold mine, its not real gold it is signatures of the lantern underground.
They lied to me and said they only got a few. I should up and there was a full mining truck full of paper work properly addressed and noted.
That is how G Mac did it. A lot less though.
So close to showtime. I am going to be the most famous Democracy person in the world. Going down in history baby, ya, ya.
I will teach the world that a citizen can use peace to to help take out corruption and shape the world. Like Gandhi, or Mother Teresa. Divine bless Democracy.
Just kidding, maybe.
By by Commy land hello Democracy.
Rider I
I am not running for President here. So stop trying to attack me. I just want to open a defensive espionage agency.
Who needs money or weapons when you have signatures. The real Democracy weapon.
I love the USA baby power is in the hands of the citizens, ya. uya.
How nobody slipped it to the MSS is still beyond me. I think there was a whole platoon of people watching over the petition. Maybe.
The idea is that folks really think. I would gain 6 college degree's, work for the biggest Union in the country, become a Senator of a College then take on a family tradition to allow it to be stopped by the very folks who I am traditionally against, as via fascist genocidal terror funders.
I figure my defensive evidence will show that I have good faith in my beliefs and so do the people. I figure we can have the procedure in Bohemia near the woods so the truck can fit. Not like it is located there or anything.
Rider I
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