As such, we now see the MSS doing the same thing to the US in its own domestic economy. This is done in high technological cowboy sense. Which means that the fence is a theoretical application to a law. Which the MSS make it look like it is ok to break. Like the 200 century old common law of the US that we do not deal with foreign entities single party SOE's that are illegally subsidized. As we did not deal with the Kings, or Communist style parties of the German Socailist or KGB.
After the MSS have broken the gate. Which is the common law of not dealing with their illegal SOE's that are very noncompetitive. They must spook the whole lot towards them. Which means that they have to destroy the whole world market. To get the world to believe that they 200 year old fought against style of single party fascist economy is the new miracle that nobody has every seen before in the King's, SS's or KGB's style economy.
Therefore, we see the MSS using their massive Espionage Unit which is the MSS not to fight terrorism. But to create it and to use it to massively create an economic warfare. That goes unmatched by the others as they worry about the proxy agent end production. Therefore, then we see the whole Democracy that have followed over 200 years of tried and trued economic logic not miracle. Forcing their concentration on proxy agent end game. Instead of dealing with the whole proxy agent equation and stomping it out quickly and fastly. Which forces them to spend extreme amounts of their treasury fighting these end products of the proxy agent algorithmic equation that will never stop.
Then the MSS sees the Democracies becoming economically weak. Which is because they are in a liquidation war. As such, they can get the young who have no historical application past what they have read yesterday. Thanks to video games and movies that wipe most school teachings. Along with the night life style that also wipes long term storage data. So then the MSS see the break in the gate. Which they have then spooked the whole lot towards the break in the gate. As such, all they have to do is then keep the cowboys from coming out and mending the gate before enough get out to cause a major economic warfare hit.
They have to do this by then forcing the cowboys to believe that the spook running away is more important than the break in the gate. Which means the proxy agents along with the economic destruction because of the proxy war get all of the attention. As the MSS forces major rounds of hand held rotational machine gun fire at the cowboys to hold them down in their beds as the spook gets away. This then equates to the idea of the constant propaganda of the MSS. Along with their familiars in the US. That stop propaganda agents like me from becoming professionals. While also stopping professional free market freedom of speachers like movies, songs, and comic books from going to the break in the gate instead of the spook.
Therefore, we then see the MSS getting away with the break in the gate which is the common law that the US does not deal with single fascist party SOE's in its domestic economy. As such the whole lot then go through the gate and the cowboys have to then spend the time trying to figure it out. However, as the spooks are holding them down in the barn. They have a hard time getting away from the proxy agents and the economic destruction constant problems. To even stop the break in the fence or find the cattle (whole lot). Thus allowing the MSS to get up one mother of a break fencing for a feast and round up of bullets and ammunition. Which today is high technological weapons along with space colonization, and US domestic colonization.
Rider I
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