This is because it is a basic idea between good and evil. The UN wishes for the MSS to stop protecting and funding terrorists and genocide. However, they will not. So they fund them. So the terrorists and genocidal protected ones do as the MSS ask as they have nothing better to do but do such things. It is basic street. If you take a child which is from a battered home. Then you show them some money and treat them good even though the child beats up on people and is pyscho that child will be your best friend.
As such, we see that the MSS are the US and UN biggest enemy. As they constantly stop them from being able to do their jobs and stop the creation of proxy agents. Via being able to take out the root production of the proxy agents. Which is what primarily the CIA during the Soviet Cold war where dealing with. Where as today they primarily deal with the end product. As they are to weak to cognition against the MSS as the real evil threat and evil empire Kings. As nobody else in the UN wishes to allow these entities to exist for their terrorism or genocide but the MSS.
So then in the US you can pin point blame or possible espionage problem right to the CIA. Where many agents are currently stopping the US from being able to see the MSS espionage units like the KGB as the real evil empire which creates proxy agents to attack everybody else. Like Russia, India, and areas in the middle east to force the US into a liquidation war. Which the US is driving itself right over a cliff because of the root inability to see the MSS as the real world problem.
The MSS made a pact with Al Queada. An economic pact to fund them economically and they did with substantial amounts of capital that could last for decades. This then allowed them through their terrorist networks to gain US missiles. In which they then sold them to the MSS. After which time the MSS wrote a book and via normal espionage krptological coding of basic up front told Osama Bin Laden to attack the US world trade towers. Which the MSS wrote in a book and published as they see the US CIA as weak and enabled to see them as the threat. Which is true. The CIA are enable to actually see that the MSS are the ones creating the proxy agents by funding them and befriending them. Which has costs the US its economy and is now costing us possible invasion by the very people who funded 911 and told him to do it and how to do it.
Rider I
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