The idea is the US needs to balance its budget to keep our economy from imploding. This website is not one against Muslims or Communist Parties or even multiculturalism. It is against a single entity in the world that is trying to implode our economy. This is a logical website not an extremist or far right website. As many good moderates have done before me we are trying to solve things peacefully with great ideas for policy.
I have to go see my new beach home, where I will be living during my graduate years. It is right down the street from a nice community area, and the beach is near so I can go for walks and feel safe instead of living here where extremist leftist who blame people for things can have easy access to cheap mechanics.
Rider I
I have about 2,000 more people to call and explain the policy lobby. The worst problem is that I am in the forefront of espionage defense. So I have read and nexused many brain coding books. In which the world has no defense system or even knowledge of. So after the Norway attack people are not even hearing even more. My whole voice that was very powerful, is now even less so. Because one man decided that killing was what would do it. The problem then becomes the reality in logical algorithmic equation. When one does not follow the root logic of reality in which I am lobbying for. Then you see one side being very extreme and the other not. Then when the one side does become extreme just one time. It ruins it for everyone. Even though the other side that is constantly extreme everyday does not bother people as much. Just a bad idea to kill innocent people.
My solution will work to stop extremism not only in the Middle East but the proliferation of it as we now see it throughout the world by other cultures mad at the Middle East. Which is being fueled by the MSS's proxy algorithmic equation creator and the US engaging the end product instead of the whole equation. It is logical that the other cultures and sides will become hostile as they feel threatened. It is human nature. Human nature of the community. Which my plan can stop and bring back the ten years of world peace we had when the KGB who where exactly like the MSS left us.
I mean I have already had trouble getting funding. Now it is going to be almost impossible. As folks see the idea of propagating against the Communist Chinese as a bad idea as that mean anti communist killed those innocent children. Far as brain coding goes. I have not seen so much of it from one single country. My grandpa's pages on the SS where not even as prolific as the three cases I have now traced from the MSS to propagate for their algorithmic espionage coding.
Which is one of the things my Non Profit is going to work on. Getting a full scale domestic and international brain coding enforcement. Team, any hack with a cell phone and some brains can literally brain code somebody. And we can trace it. However, there is just no laws or real enforcement on the matter. As everybody still lives in the Flintstones days.
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