Dear President Obama
The videos show the MSS's and their US consulates creating and consipring to create hate crimes against the world's most peaceful people. Why has not a proper rebuttal by our government been done. Showing that those people where all arrested for assaulting, threatening and other major threats to elderly people of a minority. I have not read one news paper article where the US government reacts to such foreign government actions in the US. That is why I believe the country created WACL when I was very young. Because the government would not react to the KGB hate crimes. I do not want another WACL created. I want a government that does their jobs.
Rider I
Arrest them and report on it. Other people's ideals that assault people during a protest get arrested and then major reports come out to stop them. Why is the MSS and CCP getting so much love. If it was the WACL youth of the White, Blacks, Asians and Mexican's they would get arrested for hate crimes. Left and right they where against foreign oppression of civil rights by the KGB.
I do not care what scale of the light you come from bright or dark, street or marble. You beat up on elderly that is a major problem.
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