Which is mainly the idea that an article writer either finds enough other writings to create a puzzle, or if funded is able to go and collect via freedom of speech information to write articles on the espionage activities.
The basic idea is the espionage activity that wishes to happen.
Then the action taken place, or possible not defended against action being taken.
Nexus we need to figure out all the ways that it could happen or did happen.
Then actors characters and funding is then placed into.
After that one tries to make an nexus connection on the specific espionage actor once an espionage article writer becomes familiar with the agencies they are writing on.
The idea is that espionage is something that is very dark and not well light. This is because all agencies are willing to protect each other to keep the secrecy. However, when the oldest espionage unit the Druids. Decided that enough is enough and one side is constantly being bullied. An article writer is allowed to light the activities. This then means his own agency of his country of origin has to allow the expression and the basic search. As for some reason usually because of bullying or some kind of corrupt pay off system they are not properly cognition's against the espionage activities.
This happened with the SS. When corporations like ford and others decided to do business with the SS. Causing my grandfather and his father to not be able to get a lot of funding. Then with the KGB as he proved his ability he gained more funding. In which folks wanted to do business with them so he had to deal with that too.
However, the MSS issue is so bad. That we have a whole book proving that they are creating proxy agents like Charlie Wilson did to defend the Middle East from the Soviet Empire. However, the book proves that it was the MSS who funded and directed the AL Queada proxy group to attack the US on their soil. However, because of so much corruption and forced concentration on the Communist Chinese market place. Instead of our allies like India, Turkey, or the EU or even the very needed Balkans. We see that the corruption is the main reason why nobody is writing or cognitioning against them. As the world market place is much bigger than the forced concentration of the MSS market place which is very small compared to India's, Turkey's, the Balkans and the EU's. Which we have all but disenvowed ourselves too. To allow full concentration to the Communist Chinese market place. Which is primarily due to pay offs and illegal actions somewhere. Where as of yet I am not well enough to write on the collection. As that takes more protection as I will be attacked by foreign and domestic a like. So I await my full protection via funding before I can deal with such espionage article writing.
Rider I
So somebody like me has to place their life on the line and start a professional unit to start cognitioning against them. As the abuse of the MSS and corruption via non wishing to propagate against them via proper full scale cognition seems like a necessary element to Illuminate. Like my forefathers and mothers before me. We chose the biggest bullies and thus use our freedom of speech. I expect after two attacks on my life already. That they will do more. However, I was trained as well as possible to keep a look out. They may get me as they have no respect like the KGB did for my grandfather. That is why I have chosen to write like I do. Attacking home bases where out in the KGB. The MSS fully used proxy style warfare to attack US home base. So there is no respect and dep artment of com munications of my people of Democracy is very high on this issue. As a citizen taken this up especially uncloaked like I am. Is a high priority for espionage units to shush.
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