I am telling you right now if the US does not start learning how to go proxy against proxy and stop sending in our elite to a dirt sand box to chase after goat herders who could not even get on a plane or a boat without a superior intelligence unit writing them a manual on how to do it. We are going to see the US sink into massive debt like the Soviets did over our dead, bomb costs, and massive Nationalized military industrial spending of US tax dollars.
My heart goes out to them. My prayers too. I just hope they do not start hunting our soldiers at home like they are now hunting our citizenry that speak out against them.
Rider I
I will never understand why we send in our elite units into a dirt box to hunt goat herders. When we could easily do like we did during the cold war. Which is use proxy agents to do it. 7 Afghanistan died and 31 US soldiers fighting gangster goat herders. Great strategy, not really.
Goat herders with missiles killing our elite. Instead of their goat herders being arrested by their own. 7 to 31 is the wrong calculation. It should be 36 Afghanistan to one American citizen. No offense but what you boys take to due in that number we used to have one old boy do.
It is like not one military leader read Charlie Wilson's manual on how to literally get goat herders to embarrass and destroy the Soviet Union. By just sitting around with missiles. Which now they have electromagnetic weapons and charges that cause US planes to malfunction. Which because of lack of tax surplus we can't even properly build our planes with my invention of a electromagnetic shield against those types of weapons around our planes and helicopters electronics. Because Communist China builds our planes electronics. I wonder why they fail, at critical times.
A little goat herder in his turtle house. With an emag canon can cost the US 16 million dollars. Which cost the MSS less than a trip to Iran to make sure the goat herders in key areas had the weapons. Just like Charlie Wilson did.
Then again I am going to die from some street person that the MSS paid to kill me via an untraceable way. However, I am do not have a gun nor am I killing anyone. I am just speak my mind and strategizing to stop terrorism. Which to me is not dealing with the goat herder at the end of the algorithmic equation of proxy agent production.
Of course then again they could send in a Drone and cost the US hundreds of thousands of dollars. Or they could do like we did in the cold war and create proxy units for less than twenty thousand to go in and do the same thing. Which creates a power structure for Democracy and tolerance.
Rider I
People are dead, cost us tons of money all because a goat herder had a missile. Target a goat herder with funds that was trying to get more goat herders to be power structured for the MSS's purposes of creating a bigger algorithmic equation. The idea that the CIA's horrible strategy is costing us trillions of dollars a year does not seem to bother anybody. Personally like their elders have told me I could do it much cheaper and with a better proxy equation and power structure concentration.
I sit here everyday and think do you people not read history. Do you know how to proxy strategize? from the reflection of actions they do not have a clue.
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