This is the story that is not told by the street man in the movie who played a much bigger role than the movie showed. The idea was to get the Afghanistan tribal people weapons so they could stop the Soviets from invading and forcing them to be Communist. The Soviets where bombing people and killing women and children in the wake. Which created world wide Muslim hatred for Communist Super power Soviet Union. Like we see now in the US. As such, all Charlie Wilson had to do was to go in secretly every so often via a business deal with another country and then ride in. In which he would then speak to the tribal area that where having bombs blowing up their fathers and elders and naming their children.
As such, like any tribal people who could care less about economy or politics they just wanted to fight back and did not care who helped them. Therefore, the unheard of street man created a plan to force the Soviet Union into a liquidation war. This plan was simple. The KGB before the Soviet Union spent very little on the war in Afghanistan. As it was an easy one. Non of them every fought back and did not have the weapons or tactical manuals to hit or make any real threats. As such, the KGB was able to expand while still keeping the brunt of their intelligence brain force on the US's economic espionage. Which at that time was the primary force of the US. As the US's industrial forces where the most important thing to the DOD and CIA. Which is complete upset of today. This then was simple.
As it cost the US very little to give Afghanistan people bombs materials and manuals to build these bombs. Along with that we saw people willing to give up their own lives for Charlie Wilson's war by becoming human bombs against the Soviet Union. As their children and whole families where killed in missile attacks on raids on them because the Soviets where afraid of the Muslim tribal people and wanted their resources like lithium which is the most important rare earth resources for magnets. Which as Dick Tracey stated in one of his comic books. The one who controls magnets controls the world.
As such, the US street man. Which are no longer allowed in the CIA. As their screening process boots out anyone with more than 5 misdemeanors. Which this boy had a due due about two miles long. As the NCIC does not smile on us street intelligence boys and girls. As we just see the world as Arcadia's stadium. Because he was from the streets and was not one of the preppy types. As such, he was able to think outside of the box to help Charlie Wilson drain the Soviet Treasury. Preppy folks think stealing a skull from a grave is cool and exciting. Street men can't even tell you what they was thought was exciting. Which would finally years later become the doom of the Soviet Union as they could never replenish their treasury. Street men just see things different and value a dollar more than a rich prep or wall street type. We can take one dollar and destroy a whole block with it literally I have seen folks do it. Rich preppy boys and girls take trillions and can still barely do anything with it. As the majority of the US debt is from the liquidation war. As each year it costs us about a trillion dollars or so in lost surplus and domestic economy. Which has added up as we can't pay it back as we have preppy fighting a liquidation war with no booty or pay back. So now the count is if you do assets and liabilities correct. The liquidation war 14 trillion in debt. Which accounts for maybe a trillion or so over ten years that we have received some mines and trade. As such, the war itself as not being fruitful and all expenditures is the main problem. Just like the down fall of the Soviet Union. Then again you would have to understand what a dollar means to a street man. Who comes from areas where he has had to puppet gangs and move in and out of areas without being jumped or joining a street gang.
Therefore, what we saw was an amazing classical proxy liquidation war against the Soviets Play out. The US and a little unknown street man was able to liquidate the KGB intelligence. Which created a brain drain. This brain drain was long enough for the other parts of the street mans plan to get in enough economic espionage units into the KGB. That we where able to finally give back the minorities their lands and stop the single party from expanding and using their SOE's to create more Free Trade Zones to expand their control and create satellites. This is for another story as I want to tell you how the MSS are attacking us. However, a street man always needs a dollar as the West is walking currently.
Therefore, as the Han dynasty and the ones before it have always been the worlds greats mimickers of the worlds most triumph military battles. It was only normal for their espionage unit to see that battle as a classic and use if it for their own. As such, we saw them step in where the Soviets left off. However, they saw how much throwing bullets and bombs at these tribal people created a world wide back lash. Politically, economically and created major unions against the Soviet Union just because they where attacking these poor tribal people. In which they where fighting back with their lives literally by using themselves as human bombs to stop them from killing their children and families by mistake when they attacked tribal elders that did not want them in their territory.
Therefore, what the MSS did. Was to take Charlie Wilson's liquidation war and expand the basics of the manual he created for a new kind of proxy agent and war without even knowing it. The manual was watched closely by the MSS who at the time where going against the Soviet Union. As they saw them as a threat to their own single party dominance of the world. As the Soviet Union was becoming powerful enough to soon use their massive economic espionage units to force the Communist Chinese Party to do what they wanted. As they had done in the Vietnam war.
This manual was created by the basics of Charlie Wilson's movements. Which they then expanded on some of the greats like the Queen of England who used pirates against the Spanish. All the way back to Persian's who used barbarians against the Roman's.
Rider I
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