Dear CIA
I believe that you have become traitors. As I have seen re ran propaganda. No really propaganda or truth to who funded Osama Bin laden and his crew nor any real truth to who is funding the Al Queada now. Which is believed to be the Communist Chinese. Along with that the propaganda that was supposed to be used to stop the Communist Chinese invasion of SOE's Was one forced to not be shown during the time in which they where invading then two forced to have their flag taken out of the movie and the other media outlets that where going to be used. It is more than obvious the CIA has been heavily infiltrated by those who wish to see the MSS and Communist Party take over the US. I have read my last article which states that there are numerous SASAC run by the MSS SOEs being allowed to buy lands and business in the US. Even though they funded Osama Bin Laden and currently fund genocidal dictators and terrorists. That force us to stay in a liquidation constant war. I cant do anything. So I will rejoin the Templar and seek to join the Military to wait for the time that every single party non Democracy checked entity does. Which is invade physically. Nothing I can do to help you. God speed I think you failed horrible. I know remove my crown and seek my sword legally and properly.
Rider I
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