The Mining Law of 1872 was used to help stop foreign countries from overthrowing the US government via economic surplus and economic development procedures. The law itself spurred a huge investment in the US's mining industries. Which lead the US to lead in the world's manufacturing technology; like manufacturing lines and a myriad of other things including high technological items that came out of this law. Therefore, as the affects have been seen with such laws being reinvigorated in the US. The reality is if the US is to recreate such a strength like we saw at that time for US free enterprises to dig into the US. We could literally see the US becoming a boom country again.
Over and over again I hear our own temple leaders and elders acting with defeat and hate in their minds for their own country and own youth. They state things like Communist China's miracle economy is the next leader; or things like we should be friend the Communist Chinese and allow them to lead. Kissinger and Soros.
However, in reality it is not a miracle at all. The majority of affects have been done in specific algorithmic coding espionage events. Which the best example is the Panama canal debacle. Where US lobbyist where heavily funded by foreign governments to fund politicians that wanted the Communist Chinese to own the Canal. Instead of properly placing force for a US company to own that canal and gain an income for managing it. This again is just a long line of laundry lists of events that have lead the US to this point. In which our military is being eradicated and our foreign funding to create allies for Democracy is being completely destroyed. Which via my social espionage trace of MSS espionage agents was a specific outcome they have been going for in every step they have taken.
Therefore, like the US usually does, we need to youth in Asia our elder's who have become weak. Like Murdock, Kissinger, and Soros, along with Buffet. Which is in the books to take them down and allow our youth like Oracle Leader and Google leader of true American patriotism, to take their spots in lead positions. The edler's are going to be euthanized for their treason's leadership. Which is allowing the single fascist party, worlds biggest terrorist ally to lead. In which the three main elders have given specific envoy. Along with prayer to the Communist. While destroying US youth aspirations that the world can someday become a peaceful Democracy. So no single political party has the power to hide behind the government and not do what the people want.
I have found many areas if the US's elders would place their strength towards, would allow the US to become a strong boom country once again. However, I must dispose of them and their will of defeatism to allow the Communist to do such atrocities as have over 3,000 MSS bases inside of the US (legally and properly of course). In which everyday, hundreds of thousands of algorithmic coding are allowed to be dispatched into the US to force the US into liquidation and allow the Communist to run the world.
The American youth should properly deal with those using treasonous leadership against the Democracy youth of the USA. The idea that the US should step down and allow the very single thing the US has always fought against to run the world; is absurd. Today's elder's elders and teachers would have not allowed it. However, ours today, seem more worried about their own corporations and business than they do the youth and freedom of Democracy.
Things like this law that have gone undone on the books, or that perfectly un harmable to natural mining; that could seriously place the US back on the economic road map are still sitting their un worked. These types of things are major traitorous leaderships by the elders and should be dealt with as Treason to Democracy .
Rider i
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