The government of current has become a card in a one playing deck. In which it no longer plays but is being played. As the government no longer sees the value of creating Democracy in the world and stopping the real enemy of Democracy which is the Communist SS, KGB, MSS constitution. Which is the idea that only the rich and and powerful can become a leader. However, in the US. We have seen folks like a peanut farmer become President. A poor black man who was smarter than hell become president. And this is Democracy. That is our game. However, Arcadia has been empty for about ten years as the spook card was played by the MSS and worked very well. In which took all of our teams and turned them into guards and rodent chasers in the stands while the MSS plays the game all by their selves. I was born with a secret which was my grandfather and his culture. As a Mack things are different. I had to hide my relationship with him from my other side of my family. As they did not want me learning things like psychological babble as they called it or high technological espionage use of information. This game I see comes naturally to me. My grandfather said that one of the reasons why MAO, Hitler and Stalin Lennin genocidal people was to kill our genome. As it is a different curious rebel genome that makes a great espionage agent. He said since the times of the first Druids and their culture of Democracy of all tribes for the lands. That our family has seemed to be able to espionage the Democracy enemies the best.
However, I think it has been lost. As I was left to me own demise as a youth with no training or help.
He told me whole areas of our lineage have been starved out by Kings. Now we are seeing governments do it. He should me a genome map of our lineage in an area of Russia and the Soviet Empire, China, and North Korea. Then he pointed to specific areas where plights of starvation because these people where not allowed to farm via point of gun where just killing folks. Which he then showed me Marx and Engels very racist book of how specific genomes and religious can be bad for the industrial commune. He said now you know why grandpa sits and laughs all night long as he reads, maps and creates these music sheets with people's names on them in our leadership and country. It is because I do not believe in genocide or mono culture. I believe in Democracy and multiplicity.
Rider I
That my friend is a load on a child's shoulders that is supposed to be skate boarding at the library. Skate board hell I was tracing KGB agents much more adrenaline fun.
The Merovingian genome project is very old. We have had the tech to trace genomes for a very long time without paper work. Which could show whole areas of specific people's genome and the activities they do show it true. We can see today the same projects in my personal opinion being done by the MSS in Africa. as they protect and allow genocide them export their own Han Chinese genome into the area to work their colonized SOE entities.
Which is funny as some of the hollow think that besides it being cheaper and faster and more economic warfare to create oppression and dominance. They also think one of the reasons why the MSS steals so much is because MAO genocide all of his genius. as it takes a wackly one to rebel against a theory and prove it wrong which then expands it and thus creates a new and better. You have to rebel to create.
Which is the funniest thing as the African American people complain about the past Communist US As Communism is just enslavement of those who I guess should be working the fields cause that is what they should do right no. What is what communism is. However, they are the only race that did not have their strong killed out. Like Hitler Killed out most of the US and Europe strong genomes, MAO killed out Chinese strong genomes, and Stalin and Lennon killed out Russia's strong genomes. As the ones rebelling where the strongest genomes cause they where trying to stand up. Where the African American's no offense I do not believe in Communism (slavery), where actually had their strong kept going and weak where not brought to the US. So all in all the African American genome in the US is the strongest. Which is funny.
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