"America's apparel, textile, and wood furniture industries have shrunk to have their size-with textile jobs alone beaten down by 70%"
pg 2
"while employment in our high tech computer and electronics manufacturing industries has plummeted by more than 40%"
"China now leads the world in both wind turbine production and protectionist irony. For even as China's state-subsidized companies flood world markets with their own turbines, foreign manufactures like the US based General Eletric, Spain's Gamesa, and India's Suzlon are prohibited from bidding on projects in China as part of a Buy Chinese policy"
"blood for oil and rape for raw materials
In exchange for Sudanese oil, China's veto merchants stopped the UN From intervening in the Darfur genocide-even as a relentlessly brutal Janjaweed militia used Chinese weapons to forcibly rape thousands of women and kill 300,00 innocent Sudanese"
pg 4
"Of course, once a country takes this colonial bait, rather than use local labor, China brings in its huge army of engineers and workers to build new highways and railroads and ports and telecommunications systems. This infrastructure then both literally and digitally paves the way for the extraction and transport of raw materials. So its back to the China's factory floors ....As the final colonial coup de grace, China then dumps its finished goods back onto local markets thereby driving out local industries, driving up the unemployment rate, and driving its new colonies deeper into poverty."
"Vladimir Lenin's dictum that a capitalist will sell the rope that will be used to hang him"
pg 5
"The war hawk wing of China;'s military is even readying the ability to drop virtually untraceable nuclear bombs from space. These cosmic nukes simply arrive on target in a few short minutes and far too quickly and quietly for countermeasures"
"More than 70% of China's major lakes, rivers, and streams are severely polluted"
pg 6
"a relatively small fraction of the Communist Chinese population grows fabulously rich even as one billion Chinese citizen's continue to live in a Hobbesian world of grinding poverty without access to adequate health care and where even a minor sickness can become a death sentence."
pg 7
It is every page is full of great reason's why the MSS is way overbearing and causing a major war on other countries to centralize the world to them and force us to allow genocide and mass raping.
Rider I
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