The CCP and MSS>
The priority of the United States as a government is to protect its citizens. At all costs it has to keep the US citizen safe and sovereign from foreign invasion or foreign oppression/abuse. Therefore, if we take a look at the world today and see the areas in which the US needs to place priorities. We can see a major area of concern. This area of concern has gone untapped and untouched for almost a decade. As the US placed priority on the issues of those trying to destroy markets or citizens. However, in reality that is not the US's top priority. The US top priority should be those protecting those that wish to destroy markets via physical aliments.
As such, we then take a look at the country that is protecting the most individuals and groups that wish to cause harm. If we look at Saudi Arabia .We will see they are more than willing to kill their own people if they threaten the peace between the Muslims and the Druid country. Along with that Saudi Arabia is more than willing to work with the US to find those that wish to destroy peace and fair markets. Then we take a look at other major countries. We thus get to a bric of countries in which wish harm peace and fair markets. In which we then take a look at the cluster of those countries. To see why they are allowed to act with such impunity and unfair markets towards the world. At the top of the cluster we see non other than the single totalitarian party of the Communist Chinese and their main tool the MSS>
Then we take a look at the motives of why the Communist Chinese are protecting this types of countries. That are have their nationalist attack and destroy their neighbors markets and specific citizens that are power full competitors in the market place. As such, we take a look at the possible contenders to the Communist Chinese economic dominance regime. As that would seem a possible nexus to why the CCP and MSS> protect this countries. As a possible theory is they hope they will stop their competitors from being able to stop their world domination. (this is ancient it has been used for a long time to fund your enemies enemies but act friend to your competitors) We see that Russia, is a key possible place where their economy could way overpass the CCP and MSS> However, they are constantly having to dish out to deal with the Chechnya's. Who are doing business with the Communist Chinese. Furthermore, we then look at India. In which we see the Communist Chinese fending off world views that Pakistan should have a force go in and remove their cells that are specifically working on attacking specific market powers and ares. We then take a look at the US. In which we see that the US out of all three of the main contenders to check and balance the single totalitarian parties economic dominance. Is spending the most with regards to having to stop those agents of the MSS that wish to destroy specific areas of the US's market place: the the literal world trade center's, baseball games or other material places like subways. Which would seriously impact the ability of the US to produce an economic value. There is also a theory as the Communist Chinese can't get past the dark side of Japan. Mainly, as the Yakuza are the world's most notorious for literally blood ties and blades (not joking, most smooth blood hungry if you mess with Japan or Japanese). This theory is that the Communist Chinese have had to just use specific new wave green technological advanced weapons to hit the Japanese market to weaken them.
This is all basic algorithmic coding of equations of social coding. It is basically simple. One looks at the areas where humans are oppressed the most. Then equates the value of the possibility of the wolf pack getting through. Then one takes a look at each major countries equatable value of loss to such activities. When we look at the equation we see a major anomaly. Which is Communist China. Their expenditures on such supposed wolf pack activities, is much lower than any other country. Yet, they are expanding their espionag bases over 100 times more than any other country. Even though they currently have the world's biggest espionage forces. Therefore, we look to see that they have literally invade and taken over and then oppressed the very culture in which the world seems to fear the most; the Muslim's. As such, we then take a look at why would extremist religious groups be attacking other countries that allow them to be free, own their own churches, have their own land and become rich. When we see in the CCP and MSS's> areas of influence. Which we find that the idea that Muslims are the lowest form of human genome as compared to the CCP and MSS. We then take a look at major conflicts in the area. In which we can see major funding of the CCP and MSS to keep the conflicts going on in other countries. Instead of focus on the real threat to the Muslims culture. Which is and always has been Marxism. Then one can only use algorithmic logic to create an equation of exactly the specific country that is behind the curtain of supposed terrorist activities. Which is based on refocusing countries military and espionage funding towards those most oppressed by the Communist regime. Thus stopping any real economic competition and any real divergence to the Muslim's in East Turkestan getting their own sovereign country back.
Thus we then widen the anomaly to see if the equation falls true for its perspective algorithmic equational solution. Therefore we use more undeveloped areas of the world. Which we then start to code and see areas of where certain sphere's of influence in the world like Sector 5 or M16 or even India's or Canda's or, ya, even Russia's. We then see the anomaly holding true to its equational value. Which is that the CCP and MSS use proxy agents to do their dirty work. So it looks like they are a peaceful country rising. However, if this equation is done in a proper statistical form we can see the nature of the proven element. Like we did in 1999 when my fellow dark siders placed the next priority of the US as the CCP and MSS> espionage activities. However, mass hysteria will always destroy logic. In which that is exactly what we have seen used by the MSS anomalitic behavior. Especially with regards to oppression and use of angry human beings to literally destroy their oppositions economic algorithms.
Now the problem is that the CCP and MSS will try and cloud the logic in the code. By stating that Russia is trying to invade Chechnya, or that the US is to brutish with its policy, or even that India wishes to own a country that is not theirs. However, again to check the equation. We see that the CCP and MSS have invaded countries like Mongolia, Tibet and East Turkestan. With those countries people still resisting their rule and oppression of their genomes. Then we look at the MSS's views of Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan and other areas around them. In which they state the One China Policy means all of the smaller countries around them belong to the MSS> and they can do what they want. Then we see what the MSS's is doing to the areas under their influence like in Africa, or even in Tibet, East Turkestan, or Inner Mongolia. In which we see complete mutilation of bodies, women and children, oppressive mind brain washing events and experiments, and a myriad of more horrible things. Which is very distinguishable from the US kicking in folks doors because they are threatening to blow up other's churches or business.
As such that really fades out the fog that the MSS tries to create. Which brings back into focus the reality of the MSS's inability to be checked by the myriad of political powers in Communist China to make sure they are not doing such things. There is no check and balance by the Chinese people on the MSS>. Unlike that of India, the US (which we are seeing right now), or Russia which is still fascist, yet a much nicer fascism. Therefore, as stated before, in a much more professional algorithmic code of where areas of un-peaceful events for exploitation of resources (like most empire expansions). We see the focus right back on the MSS and CCP>. However, this is an outline without proper algorithmic coding and proper checks and balances.
Rider I
This is the third click on the offenders of peace and justice. I will finish scoping it in then like a good scout, as I have been calling it in. I want the shot. My weapon of choice like my grandfather is cognitional non profit.
Marshallian Economic Institute.
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