We have seen more Muslims folks obtain government jobs since his entrance than any other time in history. No problem with me I dated a Muslim girl who wore her birka that looks like a Catholic hat. Machiavelli dated a Catholic girl too. It is like the ultimate goal for an I to turn a devote into a moderate civil liberties person and not a fascist religious.
It is just upsets me. That this culture gets a golden key to this country. When every other historical ancient culture in our country has had to go under strict cultural review if they attacked us on foreign soul or domestic soul. Nobody ever looked into that legally as I truly believe now after many things he has done that he is a moderate Christian and understands the Muslims faith.
We missed President Clinton's cognition's and when he became President he bit hard on every line the MSS threw him as per his historical upbringing. It was so obvious if you look at President Clinton's past and the power structuring then the things he did as a President that he did not fight against the Puppeting. Then again, President Obama has fought hard against it so, I think I was wrong. However, nobody knows in soul cognitional espionage. But I will tell you this as an American I think he is doing all he can to be the best American he can be.
I think he reads the BS i send and it sounds moderate and somewhat logical at times, that has helped him fight against the MSS symbolism and puppeting via them. So I quit the debate team and started another intellectual competitive team on campus as I did not like having people physically threaten me over debate issues.
It called the baby boy blue and lady pink wars. Where certain kids for specific strategic matters, of childhood symptoms of certain things they do in their life have a strong chance of becoming a leader. So all sides do it and they watch for the those who stand out in the lines, and if they catch them soon enough they can make sure they are not used to harm this great country. There is nothing illegal about it. It is just those of smart helping those in need to lead. If a foreigner does it though we consider it psychological warfare, against our own to get them to react to symbolism for their own wishes.
I remember one time I had a debate partner who had serious ego issues. In which we where arguing off the cuff as we did not have a strategy. So I did an argument, then in the middle of the debate so the judges could here he caused me out because I argued that ageism in the military is necessary. As I believe that at a certain age folks become a determent to the unit and not a help. Which is proven factually. I never debated with that man again. I told my coach I wanted to lay him out right there in the middle of the debate. It is one thing to get caused out for making a mistake after the competition with proper explanation. It is a whole other thing to make the team look bad in the middle because one does not like an argument. So he went on to win more events of course as he had a bigger ego. Where as I went on to learn and appreciate the strategy as for what it was.
I mean he argued to the judge and what each judge wanted to hear. Which I used when I worked in a law firm via judge intelligence report sheets. However, for practice in debate I liked arguing facts and not strategic arse kissing. But when it comes down to case or funds, one has to adopted such a strategy, which I already knew but still dislike. However, it is not a machine we argue too. It is a human being with a historical past. I remember one time judges saying that I polarized them. Which I was then able to say that no your polarized them. As they where not supposed to deliberate their thoughts between each other and I heard one very powerful after the competition speaking her thoughts and arguing with the other judges. Then I pulled out the rule book and explained the rule. Which by that time she had already argued the case for the opposing team.
Another time I remember a lady who could not flow on her sheet. So I did as slow as I could go, and she could not keep up with all of cognitional attacks. It sucked, so she just judged based things she did hear that where refuted. When in reality after she balloted I showed her my flow sheet and said I argued that and stated this. But those where the good times.
The idea to me that agism is wrong is like stating that having skills or abilities is wrong. At a certain point in time no matter how fit you are Jack Lolain or not. Your body becomes unable to take the constant strain, even if you can pass the physical and mental tests. Which by that time one should have already made it to a position and know what to do. So we do have 70 year olds running around in the jungles of this world. However, the majority of them have been in for life. Where it is a whole other thing to take a 70 year old and allow him to run in the jungles. I still think the idea is a good argument. It is life training. Then again, on the other hand they could bring something new to the table.
I remember it was like a little popularity contest. However, that fell over into debate. There was this guy who I thought was the worst debtor ever, as he spoke so fast it was like 20 times faster than British Parliament speaking. However, because he was so social at every bodies hotel room and hanging out with everybody starting grudges and cutting packs up and wining out those that could argue better than him socially after the debate he was considered one of the best. I just watched and observed the whole packs and all of their strategies. Me I was the conservative arse whole. I love America I love multiplicity and I think religions are a good way to live life in a peaceful manner via the set rules and guidelines. Which was funny as I was the only one on the team, I always felt so discriminated against. I told one partner I had I grew up in a neighborhood where I am the minority, and now on my debate team my views are the minority. Then after my last year which was my senior year anyways. I noticed a whole team of conservative cool kids come up after me. I was like great where were you. Now I have really moderated out though, except to my military apartus in which I am still a very big arse whole to it, but civil I see moderately now.
Rider i
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