Let's take the German Socialist Party. They where allowed to go economically unchecked for a long time. They created the world's biggest submarine fleet like the Communist Chinese are doing. Which the world did not have any proper anti submarines equipment because they did not think they where a threat. So again as I wrote in a previous prose. The thing we did to the Soviet's was cause competition at every point. Instead of acting like we are acting now which is the reaction to the German Socialist world economic and military aggression.
So we have to foreign policies. One is to do like we did with the German Socialist and allow them to use major SOE's, resource monopolies and structured centralization of the world's economy to prepare for world war. Or we can do like Kissinger stated and at every turn, antagonize and realize that every threat should not go unchecked. Which Kissinger then stated limited wars are the best way to go. As if we do not, then what happen's is we go to full scale wars. Like we have seen in history.
Therefore, so long as the EU stands alone in protecting their economy from full scale economic destruction. Then we will see the world as it is. With major imbalances. My plan is to react like we did to the Soviet's when this happened. Which is compete. At every turn. If the Communist Chinese fund genocide in an area we fund those being genocide to defend against it. If the Communist Chinese have a world energy monopoly like they did, we go in and stop it if it is based on a genocidal dictator.
I have this constant fear in my gut. That as I am doing the proper thing. That somebody other there will hurt me. Again I do not wish for war. I am not doing this to cause war. I am doing this as I know the value of economic historical application. The only way to stop war is to compete.
Let's take two beings. Let's say one start's aggression toward's the other's spaces. In which there is no way to come to a compromise without the one aggression having full control and domination of the other. What one will see is the other one will end up hurting the one who is not standing up and saying no. It is natural law. This world has been very hurt by the Communist Chinese militarized economies. Their actions are historically analogous to the German Socialist party along with the Soviet Empire. However, the US's foreign policy is analogous to the German Socialist time. Where we did not see the precognitioned threat of non competition and proper non competition against them.
So I am scared of course. Going against big rich folks and their conspiracies to allow themselves to be bullied as they allow our countries economy to be destroyed. In which they might rather attack me instead of properly dealing with the weak and disloyal in the pack. That is fine I will die with honor at least, peacefully and legally of course. Then the other part is the MSS. Who still think that it is ok to do such things as genocide and terrorism, as nobody in the world can check them or balance them. As we are taking the wrong foreign policy attitude. If we have a military threat, we also have an economic threat. That is the we dealt with the Soviet's. However, the way we dealt with the GS's is that there was a military threat. However, we found no economic threat. As our elder rich at that time where being hostile taken over and they liked being dominated in their business pursuits by such great espionage activities as the SS could provide.
As an unprofessional. I do not think this cite generations enough for a grand jury against me. However, I do not think I could muster one against multiple entities inside of this country for economic conspiracy to destroy the US. Who know's maybe I am the one who has to stop this. Maybe the Koch's will find me not deserving and maybe Kissinger has done away with me already though. No matter how much a smile and handshake from me would matter. It does not matter so long as nobody sees the historical application and world economic cyclical affects of the old fascist to the new ones.
The writing is everywhere. All you have to do is be brave and compete. The weak get folks hurt when they lead. The strong survive.
woo's is me such a hopefulness romantic.
All I have to say if I am under grand jury as I feel it in my gut is. That if I wanted to incite world war. I would concentrate primarily on military aspects and the military personnel. Which I do not. I wish to incite competition and strategic world balance's being re-implemented in the world via such competition and fair markets. Trust me If I wanted war. This whole cite would not speak about economics or fair trade. It would speak about a whole different theme. Fair competition stops war. Imbalance's start wars. My goal is to seek world balanced economic competition.
Rider I
This is horrible scary. I mean all I am doing is writing, but I feel it is so important that I get this soulless feeling in my soul as if I am on trial. Horrible scary, I mean, knowing.
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