I believe he is similar to me. I am religious however, take the divine in a different less radical view point. I think from my readings so far, so does he.
I surely agree that his doctrine of using forced or limited wars (the advanced theory of governance of diplomacy now known as proxy wars) has gone unheeded in the world today. This is because, we have seen the affects of the Kissinger limited war doctrine take affect. This is because today we see the analogous to the Soviet's of his time the Communist Chinese; being able to write their own blank check literally with political and economic expansion. This is primarily because of a three prong issue I have created. The issues are one, when a country does full scale war platforms they lose huge amounts of brain drain. Which means all other diplomatic area's, like economics or world development are lost to the pin point of necessary need of the full scale war platform, or what we call today enemy combatant's (which goes against my advanced theory of proxy war's, where every single human has a home, and thus their attacks should be related to their home country for not properly dealing with the radical when they where preparing to attack a foreign country.) The second one uses Dr. Kissinger's view point of allowing the opposing world developer to write their own blank check's. Which is really just an extension of the first prong. However, so important I thought to make it a second one. As currently we can see if we find the first prong we will find the second prongs working along side of the first. Where we see that the brain drain causes the second pron of blank check to be allowed. Thus, we can see how the Communist Chinese have been able to do such things as, patent bully our business, as our government does not diplomatically concentrate on them, via the brain drain. Along with such things as the Communist Chinese developing countries with their SOE entities that develop road's and energy grids. Which allows them to control the areas they develop via specific espionage activities. Along with being the gate keeper's of specific countries like Britain freedom of press intelligence via their Militarized Telecommunications unit being allowed to control the server's, and other areas of management telecommunications. Therefore, the third prong lead's us into economic implosion. Where the country in full scale war, that has brain drain and is allowing its opposition to write blank check's, we see the country at scope under economic implosion. This is because the brain drain stops the power's that be from seeing reality. Thus forcing it into some kind of slave ship to the opposing developer. Which allows only one to develop while the other sinks into debt as they are not getting any foreign treasury.
So I have read this book off and on. I found I like it. I think the elder is wise and I like his life. I like how he did things, being read and sticking to what he liked. I shall read more.
I could even take it to a fourth pronge. Where if one country goes into a full scale war platform. The world will also see economic implosion. As instead of a proper balanced diplomacy of proxy war's. Where all major countries are worried at the hight of national security with economic implosion worries. We see that the world itself when not properly competitive will also go into an economic implosion state. Where one country the non combative one, will be trying to gain all of the market shares that the combative country is losing due to brain drain and its own economic implosion tearing at its abilities to compete via economic development of the world. Thus leaving the world with only a portion its real ability to develop.
It is the Charlie Wilson style liquidation pro's I wrote about. How the US is the Soviet Union and the Communist Chinese have become the US. This cold war reversed so far. Which I am trying to turn around.
Rider I
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