To the current problem of transportation debate. The historical analogous application is to hoirse and buggy to car.
To the current econ ability of the US to compete in commerce. Green tech historical applicational battle for espionage and debate is nuclear and physics is analogues to green tech. That is how I found and booted both Locke and Dr. Jones. As there actions where analogous to other KGB admitted agents in history, to the nuc and physics industries. However, we can't make PO look that bad as we need to be strong right now so they get round boot not cowboy boot up booty.
Then we have the school debate which alone if solved would solve our micro city problems. If we take the historical legislative intent for schools being through the social contract for cognitional warfare against foreign tyrannous We see that green tech generators being donated is analogous to the US tax market. Which would actually cause taxes to go down substantially as less than 3% of the BTU market is donated to schools via Dam upgrades.
As for the mineral depletion it is analogous to a civil war we had when the German Socialist paid our governance to shut down our mines so they could prepare for SOE battle and mineral resource monopolies. WHich is analogous to days Communist Chinese mineral resource monopoly. Therefore, if we open 3 small mine permits per state, non coal as we need not that ancient material. we need rare earth resource and production units.
Rider I
Red heads love motorcycles in case you want to date one.
Not to mention the McCafy report or the Canadian Civilian Espionage Defense team reports I helped find genocidal terrorist funders and econ espionage agents of. Or the long list of other things that the MSS have been stopped from doing now that the KRC card is on the table. Purely espionage units of foreign units only I work on.
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