Extra, they should not be used as a for profit institution. For example, lets take COSCO shipping the front line of the MSS and PLA SASAC econ war tools. They are a SOE. However, they are for profit. Which means they gain funds in the market place not to sustain a simple institution of school or defense but to be used as a tool to destroy economies. Which could then say it is militarized economy. Which then means their economy has gone past the point of red line poverty welfare issues and start an economic war. Which they have.
Then lets take a regular business owned by a small group of share holders. This company is not for military purpose it is for basic civilian enjoyment of whims and market forces. For example google, it is the best free market in the world tool. I mean my whims are to use market forces like intelligence to explain the MSS militarized economy and the war they perpetuate against us. Which is my whimsical delight. and I delight so much so that I have become a light.
Rider I
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