Here is what I do. It is called an economic basket. We have a deficit of about 40 million in my local area.That means each business is behind in their work load. Then I would have the economists tell me every single business that I can get to export. Then I would as a council person. Go talk to them and be like my name is slim shady. my name is.
Then I would tell them I have found for their economic perculatires that there is a place in the world that is in need of such services. I know a major country that is currently out doing us in the world. How would you like to become one of my economic warfare soliders. We need to export. I can do it I got folks who voted for me lots of them like me, like that. Then what we do. Is we go with folks around the world, to only places that would like to do business with them. Then I would find other countries besides the commy landers of course. As we are a union town, we do not do business with fascist greedy enslaver's. Cause unions are not commy no matter how my fellow republicans try and make them look like they are.
Then I would find out how much each company needs to grow and expand for me to reach my necessary tax needs in my are. Then I would take a stock of my stogy and a snog off my whiskey, and say bosy I did it again. we sovlent. ya, like that.
ya iatch this is war commy lander and hylander has solider's, kiss my whiskey smelling arse iatches, we solvent. like that. folks these days do not drink whiskey and smoke cigars in the council rooms no more for a good show to the people, they panzy like, or something.
Then I can do the equation right now and make us solvent, non whiskey non cigar smoking folks.
Here you go easy piece like the old school dieze's.
need to know how many business we have that can export or do.
Then I need to know tax codes that they bring in.
Then I need to know calculations of how much each one needs to expand.
Then I need to know in the world where folks need their things and we are competitive, and a go, go, go, go,
Then of course, I need to figure out the regular proper issues of nicness to the area of that specifics.
Then folks might need to get loans after they expand some. Then I would go to more countries and tell the commy lander's the hylander's are hear and we solidering up peacefully and legally like, no idiots where I come from.
Then I take em to court if they mess with my folks, and oh boy that court would be a match to remember, like that.
I mean I think there is a vacant seat possible coming up around these parts. Maybe I can whiskey on in.
I never understood if I made $50,000 as the govnoar. I would be on the street's everyday going how's your business, it is my business to know I am your champion, what you need, you have competition, who, where, I got this, I got folks, they smart like, ya.
you need something, you let me know, you want to see the world, you just say so, I got a phone with unlimited international calls baby, oh ya.
I mean I see these leader's they are going to commy land. And I am saying your busines sis going to be gone in three to five years if you do that they play mean like. I got studies, study hard like. We go to other countries that need trade and love us do not fund terrorist, and genocide. Cigar and whiskey what, my country needs me if that man is out I think I a might see if I can get voted in. I think should start hanging out each night, drive in on my poor mule of a motorcycle and be like Don Quizote is here, do you hear the trumpets.
oh boy how much fun would that be. Me walking around speaking to business with volunteer student translators as we are poor city. After the basic report is done. Then asking if they would like to have help from me and a team of non profit like economists, to expand baby expand baby, go go go go,
Rider I
that would be so much fun. I would probable have to have a non profit driver, cause I would be living like a leader.
I mean I would have to get a donation for my life as I would lose my unemployment. But I think I could get it. I mean I could get this city running worldy like in no time. Then use a bunch of students from the colleges and non profits to get this swinging. like the old days when grandpa walked the halls.
As our council folks do not get paid enough to pay attention to their area's and do full scale economic wafare board preparation for my cities expanding into the world. we have a college in our own city we could harness. I could start economic development tournaments, for the smart folks to compete for their resume building to help this city be solvent. That is my solution to everything as the kids they know, they can do it, they are smarter than us cause they read about it everyday.
I would be in that council room having full scale board meeting with business leaders in the community with my cigar which I am sure one of the ladies yell at me for. lol
that is how hylanders do. We find our enemies and if they attack our people we attack back peacefully and legally, there is a whole world out there and everybody is like I am going to pick your brains out and destroy my city, forget that baby expand baby, expand, grow go go go go.
I like immigrants I have a good idea how to take burden off of them too. However, that is a secret. Based on the ideas of what other cities and other countries have done. You are not going to stop them so properly treat them. Give them a bench then collect taxes once a month like we used to do. Then they can say their are a citizens. They pay taxes. Then if they do not have their tax permit they do not get to work and they go home. I me they just ever where. Just put a bathroom in one place tell them if they want to work they must once a month pay taxes, stand here we find other places you go home, to residents here of course, or what ever the law is, that is what we did during the dust bowl to US citizens that immigrated here. you have your tax permit you get to work. I mean obviously the government wants them hear. I could have solved it a long time ago with satellites and a few drones. So ok. give a bathroom, they are not slaves, I do not like slaves.
Then I would hang out with the big doggies the Senator and the Mayor and tell him we want our schools paid for I have a great plan. We should do it, I need your help. My NP's got the report here for ya. ya.
They will arrest me. They will be like are you the Rider I. No, of course not, maybe, why, no, who is that, um, yes, no, bad question. How many police are around the corner? is that a trick question?
They would have to give me donation just to pay the fines for smoking in the council room.

See that is my values. Protect my people and its trade. That means, we trade and we expand. And the Commy lander's will always try and get me. I met as well have some folks behind me. ya.
I was a Democrat, just President Clinton and the Commy lander issue really upset me.
Not I, no.
Save the City, hire Mr. ....., save the city, save the city, he can do it.
we are a poor city I need a donation to do that. Nobody do that though. Ok, it is funny whooting about it though. ya, I would like to sit in the council room. Would be fun, I could help with arguments. I think, maybe find a women to date. who know's,
They probable arrest to me tomorrow. Cause I am trying to save the country. Darn folks have trouble when folks try and fight the macro issues.
This macro issue is difficult, even more so when you are issuing against an MSS agency that has done things like bloed us up, fund folks that kill our solider's and fund genocide for cheap resources. They not nice folks. It is scary, but very scary is my middle name, I live for danger, not in real life just blog.
I mean the MSS see me walking up to council room. They will be on phones this man did this arrest him now, he is going into the Council room, he will win like grandpa, I mean he horrible man he did this. Arrest him now! he going to win, I mean he bad, darn where are you he is almost in there, no stop him.
I should start going. I wanted to before. However, now that there might possible be a seat open I should go, my country needs me and I have built up a very power set of skills. maybe i get with my policy ideas. That is how it works. maybe the MSS get me. I walk it, or drive family car once insurance is proper like and paid for out of my own food money.
Rider I
Then I just need muticulrist economic non profit warriors. Who I can pick from my local school where i have 5 degrees from. In which they could be my team each semester if we wing. It will be my name and the their nick name probable cool, like economic builders or something. Then we rise together to become President of the Galaxy.
The council guard will ask for my name. I will be like, why, you want my first name or whole name, have you been talking to the MSS, what they say, is there police officers out there. What they say, I good man I have plans to save country I would not anything to jeopardize my countries Saviorship except maybe get married to a women who does not want a traveling daily hard working with economists shaking hands and expanding the great old USA baby. She might no, go get hamburger job come home at night. I would have to say ok.
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