It does not make sense to me. If a person making $30,000 has to pay a certain tax. Why would not somebody making $250,000 pay the same tax.
I guess the argument would be and the only one I can see. Is that they both get the same amount of government services. So each should pay the exact same amount of funds. For example if the $30,000 pays $8,000 then the $250,000 should pay $8,000. I do not think that is proper.
Then it would have to be refuted. At which point we would then have to destroy the idea of governance. The idea of governments is the bigger taking care of the smaller and still being on equal grounds. So that would be the only root argument I could see makes sense.
As the rich currently have bigger bank account's have more savings and do more with there's than the poor. They really do not use that extra money to create jobs. Especially when they invest it and gain more money from it.
Then I just keep circling around the idea that if we all paid the same amount then what? To me it is the percent tax or flat rate argument. Which I am sure has been argued. I am for the percent as I believe in governance I am not an anarchist. I love the secure feeling I get knowing we are all in this together.
I guess the legislative intent of percents over flat fee's should be dug up for better cognitional ammo.
Historical legislation I believe in economcis we have always used percents as a fair level of calculation. Why is not coming to me. besides the obvious we need the funds and it creates a more balances country of togetherness.
I have a good one to refute the idea that the rich created jobs during the tax break. Um we lost more jobs in the last decade than any other time in this country. So the rich are still going to outsource and they did not create enough jobs or use the money to keep jobs here.
Class warfare means the rich versus the poor. As via Marxist doctrine explains. This is not the rich versus the poor. This is the government as a whole rich and poor trying to balance itself. In a reality class warfare would be the rich having to give money to the poor directly. However, in this action of tax breaks that did not work worth nothing, being stopped, is just status quo being placed back.
Now incert historical legislation on why we use percents over flat fee and we can see that if it is class warfare. it is the rich seeking to take more from the poor, via lowest wages every, most atrocities by the rich via investments and lost jobs and a slew of other things that would show this countries rich just got this countries most historical bailout, then they want to not pay for it.
In Marxism there are two classes. The rich and poor. In this then the idea becomes that in class war the poor are to take all from the rich at any means that they can. So if we look at what has gone on. We see that this is not happening. The poor actually pitched in to keep the rich markets like stock markets and other markets like insurance and things very low by bailing them out. As the rich have to have insurance to pay for their things they make mistakes on. Which without the bailouts the poor GAVE to the rich. Insurance would be sky high right now for all business and all rich.
So then we see not only are the poor not taken from the Rich like Class Warfare is historical defined as. But the it is the rich being stingy after the poor bailed out their insurance rates. In which the poor now need them to help out and balance both sides government. As the rich just like the poor use governance. However, they use it more as more often than not it is the rich that benefit from war, mistakes in rich markets like the stocks and bonds, and also real estate booms.
Do I think we should all pay the same tax yes. Flat fee maybe not, as then the government would not be healthy. Percentage yes I do think so. As it is proven that allowing the rich to have a less tax bracket does not really do anything except create more mischief by their ability to control the markets. I guess the thing would be the rich are allowed to control the mass wealth of the US. So to blame the poor and not want to pay proper penance would mean that the rich are the ones controlling our wealth with 1% controlling 90% of our wealth in this country. So if this economy is in trouble it is that top parts of the pyramid. As they had tax breaks, and they had stimulus and they had bailouts. This goes the other way. If the Champion's have failed the economy. Then it should not be the poor who feel the blow alone. The Champions should also feel it too. Again or the populace feel untamed and harmed by their Champions.
Our Champions currently have not been wiped by the populace for a long time. In which they are not championing our causes. We see the rich using the enslavement of the Communist more and more. Which means they gain more while their poor all of us lose more. Which means that is not taming their people.
So in other words the way it works is in a society with mutiplict classes. If the Champions take from the poor, by gaining more from enslavement of another countries people. They then have to replace that has been taken from the poor. Which means a balanced percentage of tax. It is not our fault. We do not fund the political leader's, we not deal with the big contracts and mass layoffs to enslave the Chinese people. We do not do these things. We just swim in the river. You control it and at times we mark the twain of it and thus complain when you start to dry us up.
It is historical. If a king when's then if he does not share with his people the winnings. They will be mad. If a King loses if the does not appease the people of their lost one's or lost valuables from the loss, he will lose.
Currently our rich are losing against two very powerful Intelligence agencies. A disapated still existent from my research and rhetoric tag to watch their pipelines of intelligence, the KGB, and the MSS. Both of which have set themselves up as major runners of their SOE's. Which they then have made themselves very powerful and use any means necessary to destroy our economy via class warfare. Which is the ultra powerful the MSS and KGB. Who have more might in one hand than any of our free enterprises. Against our free enterprises.
So then if the idea of raising taxes to balance our government is class warfare. Then the idea of the MSS dropping taxes is also class warfare. As they are doing it to gain our countries rich's technology, forced hostile take overs through joint ventures and party secretaries and espionage agents and a whole slew of other things. That our rich are allowing to happen to them. Which in turn then allows to happen to their people who have to swim in the economy that they control and regulate via their holdings. So then who will fight the ultra powerfull for our rich.
Rider I
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